Uses of Class

Packages that use MJAbase

Uses of MJAbase in

Subclasses of MJAbase in
 class MJAcluster
          MAExplorer Open Java API class to access MJAcluster methods and data structures.
 class MJAcondition
          MAExplorer Open Java API class to access MJAcondition methods and data structures.
 class MJAeval
          MAExplorer Open Java API class to access MJAeval command interpreter methods and data structures.
 class MJAexprProfile
          MAExplorer Open Java API class to access expression profiles methods and data structures.
 class MJAfilter
          MAExplorer GatherScatter API class to access MJAfilter methods and data structures.
 class MJAgene
          MAExplorer Open Java API class to access MJAgene methods and data structures.
 class MJAgeneList
          MAExplorer Open Java API class to access MJAgeneList methods and data structures.
 class MJAgenomicDB
          MAExplorer Open Java API class to access MJAgenomicDB methods and data structures.
 class MJAgeometry
          MAExplorer Open Java API class to access MJAgeometry methods and data structures.
 class MJAhelp
          MAExplorer Open Java class to access MJAhelp methods and data structures.
 class MJAhistogram
          MAExplorer Open Java API class to access MJAhistogram methods and data structures.
 class MJAmath
          MAExplorer Open Java class to access MJAmath methods and data structures.
 class MJAnormalization
          MAExplorer Open Java API class to access MJAnormalization methods and data structures.
 class MJAplot
          MAExplorer Open Java API class to access MJAplot methods and data structures.
 class MJApopupRegistry
          MAExplorer Open Java API class to access MJApopupRegistry methods and data structures.
 class MJAproperty
          MAExplorer Open Java API class to access MJAproperty methods and data structures.
 class MJApropList
          MAExplorer Open Java API class to access MJApropList methods and data structures.
 class MJAreport
          MAExplorer Open Java API class to access MJAreport methods and data structures.
 class MJAReval
          MAExplorer Open Java API class to access the MJAReval R package.
 class MJAsample
          MAExplorer Open Java API class to access MJAsample methods and data structures.
 class MJAsampleList
          MAExplorer GatherScatter API class to access MJAsampleList methods and data structures.
 class MJAscrollablePlot
          MAExplorer Open Java API class to access MJAscrollablePlot methods and data structures.
 class MJAsort
          MAExplorer Open Java API class to access MJAsort methods and data structures.
 class MJAstate
          MAExplorer Open Java API class to access MJAstate methods and data structures.
 class MJAstatistics
          MAExplorer Gather Scatter API class to access MJAstatistics methods and data structures.
 class MJAutil
          MAExplorer Open Java API class to access MJAutil methods and data structures.

Fields in declared as MJAbase
static MJAbase MaeJavaAPI.mjaBase
          constants and methods used by other MJA classes