MAExplorer has a Java plugin extension facility. Plugins written for MAExplorer are called "MAEPlugins". These MAEPlugins allow investigators to extend the core capabilities of MAExplorer program themselves by writing special programs to implement new analysis methods and access data from their MAExplorer database(s). The design of this plugin extension enables users to write these new methods and have them added to the MAExplorer menus or for plugins to be invoked when MAExplorer starts up. In addition, default MAExplorer functionality could be changed by replacing existing MAExplorer methods with user defined methods. Writing a plugin to extend functionality using our Open Java API (Application Programming Interface) than to understand and modify the full MAExplorer program. This section of the Web site describes the API, describes how to write a MAEPlugin, and gives examples of various plugins. All source code is available on our CVS Repository.
The Open Java API is available as the set of MJAxxxx classes in the
MAExplorer.jar file.
MAExplorer is open source with a Mozilla 1.1 general public license. However, we have made the MAEPlugins public domain (a secondary license that is even less restrictive) with no restrictions on their use. This enables the research community to modify and help improve MAExplorer and the MAEPlugins as required. We are dividing the plugins into those that are donated and those that require interaction with the supplier. We hope that most plugin developers will make them available as open source, but that is not a requirement. If you are interested in writing a plugin or working with us on this open source project please contact us.
As we noted, the Open Java API is included in the regular .jar file distributed when you download MAExplorer. The current MAExplorer jar file may be downloaded from MAExplorer.jar. You also will also automatically download the jar file when installing MAExplorer. If you have MAExplorer installed, then you can use the (File menu | Update MAExplorer from command when running MAExplorer to get the latest MAExplorer.jar file release.
3. Distribution of MAExplorer Plugins
The distribution system for MAEPlugins is very flexible. There are
several options for distributing Plugins on this Web site including:
4. Lists of MAEPlugins being made available
5. How to write a MAEPlugin