List of All MAEPlugins By Origin and Analysis Method
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This document lists all of the MAEPlugins alphabetically, by analysis
method, and also links to MAEPlugins available on other Web sites. The
MAEPlugins include those donated to the MAExplorer Open source Web
site. All plugins distributed from this Web site will have the Java
source code, JAR file and documentation. Some of these MAEPlugins were
incorporated into MAExplorer after they were written because of their
key functionality. However, we are leaving them on the Web site
to serve as examples.
If you want to use the jar file plugins directly: (1) install
MAExplorer from the list of Jar files on this Web
site, (2) get the jar file(s) from the plugins below and save them in
the Plugins/ directory where you installed MAExplorer, (3) run
MAExplorer and use the (Plugins | Load Plugin) menu command to load
the plugin. After it is loaded, just use it as you would any other
menu command. The Plugins-jar.tar
file is available with all of the MAEPlugin jar files. Simply unpack
the directory using Unix tar or a Windows unzip program into a
directory you can access when running MAExplorer. To let MAExplorer go
directly to these files when you do a (Plugins | Load plugins) menu
command, copy the .jar files into the Plugins/ directory where you
previously installed MAExplorer. We also periodically update the
MAEPlugins-....-src.tar.gz file in the Files
download area. Files from the following list of MAEPlugins are
archived as follows: source files are from the CVS
archive, jar files are from the Web server archive
of plugin .jar files, documentation is also from the CVS
If you want to use these plugins as a basis for developing your own
plugins, see developing a
plugin and other resources available on this Web site. The source
code for each plugin is available beow. We encourage, but don't
require, plugin writers to donate their new plugin analytic methods to
the MAExplorer Open Source Web site for others to use.
1. List of all MAEPlugins sorted alphabetically
1.1 Alpha-level MAEPlugins (not fully developed)
- RtestPlugin is a R program - MAExplorer editor for
creating and testing R scripts for extending MAExplorer. One creates
"R LayOuts" (RLOs) using RtestPlugin. These can then be evaluated by R
using data exported from MAExplorer and data computed by R imported
back into the MAExplorer state. These use the new MJAReval API to
manage the RLO resources. It is available as
source code and as jar
file, with a documentation
page. [NOTE: this is very alpha-level code - read the documentation
for details. We are interested in working with groups wishing to
integrate R code with MAExplorer. Please contact us for more information.]
- ExampleXYdataFilterPlugin is an example of an X/Y data
Filter plugin to filter by X/Y ratios under various data modes (Cy3 vs
Cy5 for HP-X, single HP-X vs HP-Y, and HP-X 'set' vs HP-Y 'set'
means). It can serve as an example for those wishing to write other
data filters using this type of data. Available as
source code and as jar
file, with a documentation
- FilterTestPlugin is an example Filter plugin to halve the
number of genes accepted by the other filters. Available as
source code and as jar file, with a
- FtestNconditionsFilterPlugin is an example of an F-test
data Filter plugin to filter by the current Ordered Condition List
(current OCL) by the F-test (fixed effects). It can serve as an
example for those wishing to write other data filters using this type
of data. It has been merged into MAExplorer as the (Filter menu | Filter by
current Ordered Condition List (OCL) F-Test [p-Value] slider [RB])
command. Available as
source code and as jar
file, with a documentation
- GenericNormalizationPlugin is an example of an generic
normalization plugin. Rather than being used itself, it was designed
to serve as an example for those wishing to write other
normalization methods. It contains code to access global sample data
as well as local (i.e., per-spot data) that can be used for designing
your own normalization methods. Available as
source code and as jar
file, with a documentation
- GeoCachePlugin downloads genomic ID from NCBI's GEO server
by Geo Platform Identifier and installs the data into
MAExplorer. Available as
source code and as jar file, with a
page. Written by Alan Li.
- ScatterPlotAllSamplesPlugin generates a scatter plot of
filtered genes for all samples (very primitive at this point).
Available as
source code and as jar
file, with a documentation
1.2 Stable MAEPlugins
- ConditionChooserPlugin generates lets you define new or
edit named condition lists of samples and assign additional
characteristics to those lists. A condition list may contain a set of
replicates. It has been merged into MAExplorer as the (Samples menu |
named condition lists of samples) command. Available as
source code and as jar
file, with a documentation
- ListActiveFiltersPlugin lists the state of the data filter
options, modes and threshold values. Available as
source code and as jar
file, with a documentation
- OrderedCondChooser generates lets you define new or edit
named ordered lists of conditions (OCL) and assign additional
annotation to those lists. The OCL may be used for various analysis
including the F-test on a set of conditions with replicates. It has
been merged into MAExplorer as the (Samples menu | Choose
ordered condition lists of conditions) command. Available as
source code and as jar
file, with a documentation
- MontagePlugin shows a montage composite image of
subregions around current gene "cut" out of the original images (if
the data is available to MAExplorer supports it. The NCI/CIT mAdb
exported data does support this feature). Available as
source code and as jar file, with a documentation
- TestCheckBoxPlugin is a very simple plugin to toggle a
checkbox in the menu. It is meant to be used as a simple example of
a checkbox plugin. Available as
source code and as jar file,
with a documentation
- TestMenuPlugin is a very simple plugin to be invoked when
selected from the menu. It is meant to be used as a simple example of
a menu plugin. Available as
source code and as jar file, with a documentation
2. List of MAEPlugins by analysis method
2.1 Access outside servers to acquire data
- GeoCachePlugin downloads genomic ID from NCBI's GEO server
by Geo Platform Identifier and installs the data into
MAExplorer. Available as
source code and as jar file, with a
page. Written by Alan Li.
2.2 Connections to servers
2.3 Clustering methods
2.4 Data filtering methods
- ExampleXYdataFilterPlugin is an example of an X/Y data
Filter plugin to filter by X/Y ratios under various data modes (Cy3 vs
Cy5 for HP-X, single HP-X vs HP-Y, and HP-X 'set' vs HP-Y 'set'
means). It can serve as an example for those wishing to write other
data filters using this type of data. Available as
source code and as jar
file, with a documentation
- FtestNconditionsFilterPlugin is an example of an F-test
data Filter plugin to filter by the current Ordered Condition List
(current OCL) by the F-test (fixed effects). It can serve as an
example for those wishing to write other data filters using this type
of data. It has been merged into MAExplorer as the (Filter menu | Filter by
current Ordered Condition List (OCL) F-Test [p-Value] slider [RB])
command. Available as
source code and as jar
file, with a documentation
- ListActiveFiltersPlugin lists the state of the data filter
options, modes and threshold values. Available as source
code and as jar
file, with a documentation
2.5 Normalization methods
- GenericNormalizationPlugin is an example of an generic
normalization plugin. Rather than being used itself, it was designed
to serve as an example for those wishing to write other
normalization methods. It contains code to access global sample data
as well as local (i.e., per-spot data) that can be used for designing
your own normalization methods. Available as
source code and as jar
file, with a documentation
2.6 Plot methods
- ScatterPlotAllSamplesPlugin generates a scatter plot of
filtered genes for all samples (very primitive at this point). Available as
source code and as
jar file, with
a documentation page.
2.7 Report methods
2.8 Sample and condition list manipulation methods
- ConditionChooserPlugin generates lets you define new or
edit named condition lists of samples and assign additional
characteristics to those lists. A condition list may contain a set of
replicates. It has been merged into MAExplorer as the (Samples menu |
named condition lists of samples) command. Available as
source code and as jar
file, with a documentation
- OrderedCondChooser generates lets you define new or edit
named ordered lists of conditions (OCL) and assign additional
annotation to those lists. The OCL may be used for various analysis
including the F-test on a set of conditions with replicates. It has
been merged into MAExplorer as the (Samples menu | Choose
ordered condition lists of conditions) command. Available as
source code and as jar
file, with a documentation
2.9 Visualization methods
- MontagePlugin shows a montage composite image of subregions
around current gene "cut" out of the original images (if the data is
available to MAExplorer supports it. The NCI/CIT mAdb exported data
does support this feature). Available as source
code and as jar
file, with a documentation
2.10 Other methods
- TestCheckBoxPlugin is a very simple plugin to toggle a
checkbox in the menu. It is meant to be used as a simple example of a
checkbox plugin. Available as source
code and as jar file,
with a documentation
- TestMenuPlugin is a very simple plugin to be invoked when
selected from the menu. It is meant to be used as a simple example of
a menu plugin. Available as
source code and as
jar file, with
a documentation page.
3. List of MAEPlugins by links to other Web sites
This list contains links to other Web sites where you may obtain the
Jar files and (or) Java source and documentation for MAEPlugins from
that provider. No MAExplugins will be kept on the this server unless
the source code is included.