Figure 1. Overview of MAExplorer exploratory data analysis
system. Initial data preparation steps are performed prior
to analysis by MAExplorer and are indicated by cyan
italics at the top of the figure. The primary data consists of
quantified microarray image data as well as corresponding qualitative
clone ID, gene-in-plate-order (GIPO or print-table, etc.), gene name,
hypertext base references and related information. After the
microarrays are hybridized, they are scanned and spots quantified
using image spot quantification programs. These lists are then saved
for each array in a tab-delimited file. Microarray image
quantification may be performed by various software such as Axon's
GenePix(TM), Scanalyze, Molecular Dynamics
ImageQuant(TM), Research Genetics' Pathways(TM),
etc. When used as a stand-alone application, data may be saved on the
local computer for local off-line use, and direct access to other
Internet genomic databases may be made without using a proxy server.
[DEPRICATED: When used as an applet, this auxiliary
databases and the MAExplorer Jar files are copied to the Web server or
local file system (in the case of the stand-alone version) where they
are then available to be downloaded by users. When a user invokes a
Web page containing the Java applet, it first downloads the applet
that then downloads auxiliary databases including a configuration file
that describes the array data. It then downloads the subset of
quantified microarray spot data files requested for the set of
hybridized samples being investigated. Additional samples may be
downloaded at any time. When the user selects an operation that
requires access to Web databases not residing on the MAExplorer Web
server, implicit Java security restrictions prevent the applet from
going directly to these other Web servers. Instead, it requests the
MAExplorer proxy server request the data from the foreign Web server,
and then returns it back to the user's Web browser. ]
Figure 1.1.1 Overview of MAExplorer exploratory data analysis
system. MAExplorer is used as a stand-alone application on local
data. [Its use as a Web browser applet has been DEPRICATED. In
the case of the applet, it may only access quantified array data from
the Web server that launched the applet.]
Figure 1.1.2 Overview of data preparation for quantified spot data
used by MAExplorer. MAExplorer handles quantified spot data as
shown in this figure. Arrays are hybridized against labeled samples
are scanned and spots are quantified into spot data files. Quantified
spot data is represented as tab-delimited data with data for one
spot/row. Each spot is identified in this file by its grid
coordinates (grid, grid row, grid column) with image (X,Y) coordinates
being optional. Quantified spot data includes the raw spot intensity
for each channel (in the case of multiple channels such as Cy3, Cy5,
etc.). If the original data has background spot intensity values, then
that may be included as well - otherwise no background data will be
available for background correction. The spot data is discussed in
more detail in Section 1.1 and Appendix C.1, and Appendix C.3.
Figure 1.1.3 Overview of running MAExplorer as a stand-alone
application. The preferred way of running MAExplorer is as a
stand-alone application. There are distinct advantages in running
MAExplorer as an application in that data and the exploration state
may be saved on the users local computer, direct access to genomic
servers is easier (no proxy server required - see Figure 1.4). MAExplorer plugin
extensions (MAEPlugins) may only be used with the stand-alone
version. Since MAExplorer is packaged for
download for a variety of operating systems, using this method is
not difficult to set up and the MAEPlugins should run on a variety of
operating systems.
Figure 1.1.4 [DEPRICATED] Overview of running MAExplorer as a Web
browser applet. An alternative way of running MAExplorer on
existing databases is as a Web-browser applet. There advantage of this
method is that no software installation is required on the user's
computer. However, the user may not save data and the exploration
state on their local computer. Furthermore, direct access to genomic
servers requires a proxy server. MAExplorer plugin extensions
(MAEPlugins) may not be used with the the applet version. The Mammary Genome Anatomy Program
(MGAP) originally used the MAExplorer applet.
In MAExplorer we refer to grids by letter names (A,B,C,...) and fields
by F1 and F2. If you are using Cy3/Cy5 ratio data and the Cy3 and Cy5
data is available as independent channels for each HP sample, then
operations that use F1 and F2 will use the Cy3 and Cy5 data for
various operations such as scatter plots (Cy3 vs Cy5), etc. If there
is only one field in an array (i.e. no duplicate grids), then when
MAExplorer is run, operations and menus describing F1 and F2
operations will not be available.
Using duplicate (F1 and F2) spots allows us to get an estimate of the
hybridization variance within an array and is used to compute the
(F1,F2) gene coefficient
of variation (CV) used in the gene data Filter to remove noisy
data before looking for additional differences. Note that if Cy3/Cy5
data is used, then F1 and F2 duplicates are not allowed as MAExplorer
uses the (F1,F2) data to hold the(Cy3,Cy5) data for a hybridized
Example of a MAExplorer database - - the public MGAP DB
The Mammary Genome Anatomy Program (MGAP) microarrays of cDNA clones
from mouse mammary tissue (collaboration with Research Genetics) were
hybridized with 33P radio-labeled samples. These were then
used to charge fluorescing plates. See the MGAP site for more
documentation on the database and preparation procedures. The
hybridized arrays are scanned on a phospho-imager scanner at high
resolution. Spot data was quantified from these images using the
Research Genetics' "Pathways 2.01" program which generated
tab-delimited data files. This data also includes the microarray grid
point locations (field, grid, grid row, grid col) from the associated
microarray description data files (grid-in-plate-order data). When you
download MAExplorer, you will also
download the public MGAP dataset.1.1 Microarrays and notation used with MAExplorer
In general, microarrays are hybridized using cDNA samples derived from
mRNA labeled with either radio-label, biotin, fluorescent dyes, or
other methods (see Schulze,
2001) for review of the technology). MAExplorer may be used to
construct databases using single-labeled sample intensity (e.g.,
Affymetrix, 33P radio-labeled, etc.) and double-labeled
ratio fluorescent (i.e. Cy3/Cy5) data arrays with different GIPO
Definition of "Condition list of samples"
Samples are organized into Condition Lists of samples (generally
replicate samples). These may be used in various statistical and
clustering tests. There are three built-in lists of samples called
the HP-X 'set', the HP-Y 'set' and the HP-E list. The X and Y sets are
used in various 2 condition tests such as the t-Test between the X and Y
sets (Section 2.4.3). The HP-E list is an ordered expression list
of samples used in clustering and in displaying expression
profiles. You may interactively define new or edit
named condition lists using a graphical wizard (Section 2.6), manipulate and assign them to the HP-X
'set', HP-Y 'set' and HP-E list. Some examples of condition lists
might be (assuming you have the data available in your database):
Virgin = ( V.1, V.2, V.3 )
Pregnacy = ( P13.1, P13.2, P13.3 )
Lactation = ( L3.1, L3.2, L3.3 )
Involution = ( I4.1, I4.2, I4.3 )
Definition of "Ordered Condition list" of multiple condition lists
We further extend this paradigm by defining a meta-data structure
called the "Ordered Condition List" or OCL. This is an list of
multiple conditions that you have previously defined. The OCL
may be sorted if you want and the data lends itself to
sorting. E.g., a time series of conditions lends itself to sorting -
different types of diagnoses may not. The OCL may be used in various
statistical tests (e.g., the F-test applied to the current OCL - see Section 2.4.3)). You may interactively
define new or
edit named Ordered Condition Lists using a graphical wizard
(Section 2.7).An example of an ordered condition list might be:
Partuition= ( Virgin, Pregnacy, Lactation, Involution )
Definition of "intensity" for single-labeled samples
MAExplorer uses the term "intensity" in slightly different ways
dependent on whether you are using the single-labeled or fluorescent
double-labeled data. For single-labeled data, "intensity" is the raw
quantified data value as measured by the image scanner. Raw data must
be normalized between samples in order to compare it between
samples. Therefore, to compare N samples, you must first normalize the data and then
compare them.Definition of "intensity" for fluorescent double-labeled samples
For fluorescent double-labeled data, the Cy3 and Cy5 dye-labeled (for
example) measurements are the raw quantified data values as measured
by the image scanner. In this case, "intensity" is defined as the
ratio of Cy3 to Cy5 (i.e. Cy3/Cy5). If you wish to look at the ratio
as Cy5/Cy3, you may flip the two channels on a per-sample basis (see
Section 2.2.2 for more
details).Issues of experimental design of microarray experiments
Some of the issues involved in experimental design
(setting up experiments) based on the types of arrays are discussed in
Section 3.1.1 for (Cy3/Cy5)-labeled as well as 33P-labeled
samples. Poorly designed experiments will not yield significant
statistical results, so attention should be paid to developing an
adequate and robust design for your data given costs of doing
experiments as well as statistical constraints on analyzing the data.
Actual and "Pseudoarray" image geometry
The main MAExplorer windows contains a pseudoarray image for
visualization purposes. It may or may not correspond the spot
positions on the actual array. This array geometry is defined by the
number of replicate Fields (normally 1) each of which contains a
number of grids (also called "blocks") containing a number of
rows/grid and columns/grid of spots. If there is no explicit array
geometry or spot (X,Y) coordinate data available but simply gene
identifiers and intensity data, then an arbitrary pseudoarray geometry
is generated. If there is an explicit array geometry, then it waill
draw the pseudoarray using this geometry. The database configuration
determines which method will be used and is discussed in Appendix C.5. If there is no
explicit grid geometry, the number of spot Locations (e.g., IncyteID,
Affymetrix probe_set) may be used to synthesize a set of grids of a
size that is reasonable for viewing with MAExplorer. This is done in
the Cvt2Mae array data
conversion program when the array
geometry (#grids, #rows/grid, #columns/grid) is not known. This
conversion is not done in MAExplorer itself.
In Cvt2Mae we generate a visually appealing pseudoarray image geometry
if no array geometry is specified with the data (e.g. Affymetrix data,
etc). It maps the number of N spot data entries to a
(#grids,#grid-rows,#grid-columns). The algorithm is given in Appendix C.6 as well as
a suggestion for handling
non-standard geometries using Cvt2Mae.
Gene coordinate numbering on the microarray
A gene coordinate
numbering is a mapping of gene identifiers to locations on the
array for a particular array geometry. These are described by
grids (or blocks), each consisting of grid rows by
grid columns of spots. The grids may be repeated on the array
and constitute duplicate fields. Some arrays group subsets of
grids into meta-grids which are specified by meta-grid
rows by meta-grid columns of grids. MAExplorer can handle
grids but not meta-grids. In the case where there is no
array grid geometry specified or meta-grids are used, an arbitrary
pseudoarray geometry can be constructed to serve as a basis to display
the microarray pseudoimage (see the Algorithm for constructing the
pseudo array from a list of spots in Appendix C.6).
Example: special array spot coordinate numbering for the MGAP arrayAs an example of this coordinate system, the following describes the array geometry for the array used in the NIDDK MGAP database. The general principal with different sizes and numbers of fields is the same for other arrays. The MGAP array was spotted by Research Genetics for MGAP. Clones in the array are laid down in grids consists of 8 rows and 24 columns per grid. There are 8 grids (named A through H or 1 to 8) to a field with a space between grids. Finally, there are two fields (left and right named 1 and 2 or F1 and F2) that are duplicates.Note: we currently present the MGAP arrays with grids A through H oriented from top to bottom - whereas Research Genetics orients them rotated +90 degrees with grid H to the left and grid A to the right. This occurred when the images were scanned with a -90 degree change in the orientation. Therefore, we have swapped rows and columns in our relative orientations so it meets with users normal expectations of row-column orientation. This could be easily changed to the Research Genetics convention using a parameter in the configuration file. Since the actual plate coordinates are tracked with each clone and reported when it is accessed in MAExplorer, the image coordinate system is not that critical - although the verisimilitude of actual array layout and the data-mining layout can be useful.
Various gene identifiers may be present in the GIPO data file
associated with the array. One of these is selected to as a unique
identifier to represent genes in the MAExplorer database. Normally,
the Master gene ID is defined as the Clone ID. However if the
Clone ID is not present, but the GenBank ID is, it will use the latter
as the identifier. If neither GenBank nor Clone ID is present, it
will use GenBank5' then GenBank3' if present. If that is not present,
it will use the UniGene ID if is present. If that is not present, it
will use dbEST5' then dbEST3' if present. If that is not present, it
will use LocusLink LocusID if present. Finally, if none of those
identifiers are present, you can specify a 'Generic ID' that is
related to some other database gene identifier such as a 'Location'
The current gene may be specified by clicking on a spot in the
microarray image or on a point in the popup scatter plot, or a gene
ID cell in a report.
Setting the "current gene" to a specific gene by "Master gene ID"
The MAExplorer uses the concept of the "current gene" to indicate a
particular gene to be analyzed. You may interrogate the microarray
database or Internet databases for data on the current gene or to use
it in one of the operations. For example, you might cluster genes by
expression profiles to find other genes with profiles similar
to the current gene. Setting the "current gene" by Gene Name Guesser
In addition, the user may type a specific gene name or clone ID into a
popup Gene Name Guesser dialog text window. This is invoked by
clicking on the blue button "Enter gene name or clone ID" at the top
right in the control panel. When the "guesser" window pops up, start
typing the gene name or clone ID in the blue text entry field. You
select either the Gene Names, Clone ID, UniGene ID, GenBank, GenBank
3' or GenBank 5',dbEST 3', dbEST 5', or LocusID identifier. Then you
may start typing letters and it will match all names or identifiers
which are prefixed with the sub-string you have typed so far. As you
type more characters, it will limit the list of possible completions
of what you are typing. After selecting the gene you want, you then
press the "Done" button to use this entry to set the current gene and
remove the guesser popup window. You may press the "Clear" button to
clear what you have typed and the "Cancel" button to cancel the
current gene selection process.
Setting the "Edited Gene List" subset of genes using wildcard
You may also define a set of genes from the guesser window using
wildcard names where the character '*' matches zero or more
characters. First you specify a sub-string common to gene names. Then
press the "Set E.G.L." (set 'Edited Gene List') button. For example (see Figure
2.3.1), you could find all oncogenes and proto-oncogenes by typing
"*ONCO*" in the guesser. It automatically enables the View 'Edited
Gene List' in the array that shows genes in the E.G.L. enclosed in
magenta boxes.
The current gene cluster
Some operations involving clustering will automatically assign the
gene cluster to the E.G.L. This includes clustering of genes similar
to a selected (i.e. current) gene and K-means clustering. In the case
of K-means clustering, the cluster you select by picking a gene
belonging to that cluster will cause it to be defined as the current
cluster and also assigned to the E.G.L. This will be discussed in more
detail in the section on clustering.
The current Condition List of samples
The current condition list of samples
is the last condition edited with the interactive graphical wizard
(Section 2.6) used to define new or edit condition lists. The current Ordered Condition List (OCL) of multiple conditions
The current ordered condition
list (is a possibly ordered list of Multiple Condition
Lists) is the last condition edited with the interactive graphical
wizard (Section 2.7) used to define new or edit ordered condition
lists.Saving full resolution plots as GIF files in stand-alone mode
The various plots may be saved as full resolution GIF files when
running MAExplorer in stand-alone mode. The various plots have
"SaveAs" buttons which appear in stand-alone mode. Saving your
intermediate results may be useful for documenting your data mining
session or for subsequent publication. (Here is an example of a full
clustergram of 38 MGAP hybridized samples for 1076 named and EST
Saving Text windows as .txt files in stand-alone mode
The various text windows may be saved as .txt files when running
MAExpplorer in stand-alone mode. The various text windows have
"SaveAs" buttons which appear in stand-alone mode. Saving your
intermediate results may be useful for documenting your data mining
session or for subsequent publication.
1.2 Microarray image quantification
Quantification data for all genes in a hybridized sample (x and y
coordinates, intensity, background density) is obtained by reading
data from a quantification file for that hybridized sample. The
quantification file for each hybridized sample resides on the local
file system (for stand-alone) or MAExplorer Web server (for applet
use) and is derived from image quantification programs such as Axon's
GenePix(TM) program, Scanalyze, Molecular Dynamics'
ImageQuant(TM) program, Research Genetics'
Pathways(TM) program, etc. These programs are
independent of MAExplorer and are not part of our downloadable
software distribution.
Normalization between hybridized samples must be performed to
allow comparison between different hybridized array samples. File
formats are discussed in Appendix
1.2.1 Ratio and Zscore comparison of data from different
hybridized samples
Because of variation between hybridized samples, data is normalized.
Methods that are pure scaling transformations (such as Median, Scale to 65K, By Calibration DNA, By Use Gene Set,
etc.) allow you to compare data using the ratio between two normalized
sets of data. We define the ratio for two samples as follows:
ratio(x,y,c) = Ixc / Iyc
samples x,y have values Ixc and Iyc for the same
gene c in samples HP-X and HP-Y
The Zscore method transforms the data such that it can not be used
with the ratio comparison. Instead we use the Zdiff(x,y) method for
comparing Zscore developed by Mark Vawter (Vawter, 2000). Zscores typically
cover the range of -3.0 to +3.0 (standard deviations) with a
transformed mean of 0.0. Therefore the Zdiff will typically cover the
range of -6.0 to +6.0.
Zscore(p,c) = (Ipc - meanp)/stdDevp
Ipc is the intensity of gene c for sample p. Sample p has meanp
and stdDevp
Zdiff(x,y,c) = Zscore(x,c) - Zscore(y,c),
samples x,y have Zscore(x,c) and Zscore(y,c) normalized values for the
same gene c in samples HP-X and HP-Y, or HP-X 'sets' and HP-Y 'sets'.
1.3 Microarray image and plot display
The MAExplorer displays one microarray pseudoarray image of the
hybridized samples. This is either for a single sample, the ratio of
two samples, the average of replicate samples or the ratio of two sets
of replicate samples, the ratio Cy3/Cy5 or Cy5/Cy3, or other
mappings. Section
Show microarray pseudoarray images menu describes these options and
shows some examples.
The Filter menu is used to select a set of data filters that determines which genes are selected. These are highlighted in the array image in different ways - with a red (white) circle in the intensity (ratio) pseudoarray image each spot meeting the range threshold criteria. How these are highlighted depends on which Plot menu Show Microarray method and View menu modes were selected. If the Show 'Edited Gene List' (EGL) option is set in the View menu, genes in the EGL will appear as magenta squares. The "Filter mode" is always present and shows genes meeting various Filter criteria (to be discussed). The user may interactively define a list of genes by clicking on them when the Click to add gene to edited gene list option is set in the Edit menu. Alternatively, you can click on a gene with the Control key pressed to add a gene to the EGL or with the Shift key pressed to delete a gene from the EGL.
In all of the pseudoarray images, the grids in the image are labeled
field#-GridLetter (e.g. 1-C, 2-B, etc). This allows them to be
clearly identified as the user scrolls over the image that is larger
than the visible computer window.
There is also a popup alert message window for bettering informing
users of conditions that prevent them from doing the operation they
requrested. You must press the Close button to pop-down the message,
although you may do press the SaveAs butto to save the message to a
file. For complex problems, some of the messages may suggest what you
need to do to correct the problem.
Hybridized samples are selected from a list of all of the sample
samples in the database. To make it easier to select a HP, they may
be selected from submenus by their developmental stage (if supported
by your particular database) or from a list of all samples in the
database located on the left side of the pseudoarray image. If a sample
has never been loaded during a session, it will be loaded when you
request it.
The last sample selected is called the current sample or
current HP. That is the sample that is displayed in the pseudoarray
image in the primary MAExplorer window when using display modes
requiring a single sample.
Figure 1.3 Data Filter Venn diagram. This illustrates some of
the logical, data range and statistical tests criteria available using
the MAExplorer data Filter paradigm. Note that multiple criteria
may be selected from each of these categories. The extreme case,
probably never used, could use all tests.
A first-approximation approach to data-mining might be to sequentially
constrain the data of interest to find some changes and then to report
on those changes. We have arranged these commonly performed first-pass
operations as submenu entries in the Analysis Menu. The submenus are:
Figure 1.4 Screen view of MAExplorer main window with Analysis
Menu. The menu structure of MAExplorer was designed to allow users
to quickly perform commonly used data-mining operations. Other menus
are used for modifying the data (File, Samples, Edit, and View menus)
or accessing on-line Help menu information in a separate Web browser
popup window. MAExplorer menus are similar to most Windows PC
applications where pull-down menu selections are used to invoke
operations. The current hybridized array sample is displayed as a
pseudocolor ratio image of median normalized spot intensities.
Clicking on a spot assigns it as the current gene with data being
reported in the top most message area. The names of the current HP-X
and HP-Y samples are listed above that area. In general, clicking on
spots, points in plots or cells in spreadsheet reports will assign the
it as the current gene and access Web genomic databases if enabled.
In addition to displaying the hybridized sample pseudoarray images,
derived data may be viewed in various types of plots. These include
scatter plots, histograms, ratio-histograms, expression profiles, gene
clustering, etc. Data may be presented as table reports presented as
either active spreadsheets that can access genomic databases by
clicking on cells or as tab-delimited Excel-compatible tables that may
be cut (if your windowing system supports this) and pasted into an
Excel spreadsheet.
The selected HP-X and HP-Y samples are used when generating scatter
plots, ratio histograms and other graphics. Scatter plots and ratio
histograms may also be performed on the left and right sides of the
currently displayed HP array (fields F1 and F2 respectively if array
data has duplicate spots for the same genes).
A MAExplorer database contains a table identifying genes, so data is
accessible by gene name as well or by sub-strings identifying a set of
genes (e.g. "onco" that could be used to find any oncogene or
proto-onco gene in the database).
When the program starts, it displays the microarray image of the first
hybridized sample in the HP-X set of samples initially specified. If
you specify a new HP-X or HP-Y sample, then it changes the pseudoarray
image to correspond to that array. You may change the current HP-X or
HP-Y sample from either the Samples pull-down menu or by clicking on a
sample in the Active Sample list in the left of the pseudoarray
image. If you click the mouse on or near a spot, it will latch
onto that spot and define it as the current gene.
Note: In Figure 1.4,
genes that pass the MAExplorer data Filters are indicated by red
(white) circles around spots in the pseudograyscale (pseudocolor)
intensity (ratio) image. The pseudoarray image shows the gene data as
replicate grids of spots if there are two fields Field 1 (left set of
grided spots) and Field 2 (right set of grided spots). If there is no
duplicate spot data, then only Field 1 is shown.
If background correction is enabled in the Normalization menu, then
intensity is reported in the message displays as intensity'
otherwise as intensity.
Normalization should also be used between hybridized samples -
whether the data is ratio data (i.e. Cy3/Cy5) or single sample
intensity arrays.
Setting up MAExplorer to work with user-specific data is
discussed later in this manual
Figure 1.5.1 The MicroArray Explorer home page at The table of contents in
the left panel lists an introduction and short tutorial, several
demonstration databases. Below that are links to documentation
including this reference manual, glossary and index. The Export
version discusses running MAExplorer with other arrays and as a
stand-alone version. The Download
application is a Web page for downloading and installing the
stand-alone Java application on your computer.
You may start MAExplorer in your Web browser from the MGAP
Startup DB. This offers several preset public databases consisting
of sets of hybridized samples as well as the empty database. After
you have clicked on a particular startup database, it will begin
loading MAExplorer - indicated by a red box with a
"Loading..." message in the top window of your browser. After
MAExplorer starts, this message changes to a white box with "Reading DB" while it downloads the data files
required. Finally, when it is ready for your interaction, it displays
a white box with a green "Ready".
NOTE: for Web browser invocation, the MAExplorer applet works with
Netscape 4.7, Internet Explorer 5.0, and HotJava on a Windows
(95/98/NT/2000/XP) system or a Solaris Unix system. Macintosh and SGI
systems seem to hang at times because of Web browser
problems. However, it works on all other systems as a stand-alone Java
application that you may download and
install on your computer. You might want to review these Web browser restrictions.
After the MAExplorer is started and the menus become active, you may
switch the preset hybridized samples to other samples using the
Samples pull-down menu. The last hybridized sample loaded
becomes the "current hybridized sample" and its image is the one
Types of pseudoarray image displays
There are several differnt types of pseudoarray images that may be
displayed. The current type is set in the Show Microarray
submenu in the Plot menu selections including
Pseudograyscale intensity that approximates the intensity of a
single sample or average of samples. The Pseudocolor
Red(X)-Yellow-Green(Y) HP-X/HP-Y ratio or Zdiff and Pseudocolor
Red(Cy5)-Yellow-Green(Cy3) Cy3/Cy5 (or F1/F2) ratio or Zdiff add
the two samples or channels together as separate Red+Green channels to
give a color spectrum. The Pseudocolor HP-X/HP-Y ratio or Zdiff
Pseudocolor Cy3/Cy5 (or F1/F2) ratio or Zdiff gives a color
spectrum from a low ratio (zdiff) value (Green) to a high value (Red)
with a value of 1.0 (0.0) of Black. The Pseudocolor (HP-X,HP-Y)
'sets' p-value shows the p-Value between two X and Y sets in a
color spectrum.. If the Original image is set and the image
file is in the database, it will pop up a separate Web browser window
to display it. The Pseudograyscale display is a grayscale image, with
higher concentration genes appearing darker, on a light blue
background. The pseudocolor HP-X/HP-Y ratio of spots image is
constructed using a color scale going from bright green (<1) to
black (=0) to bright red (>1) on a black background. For the
pseudocolor Zdiff of (X-Y), the color scale goes from bright green
(<0) to black (=0) to bright red (>0). If the dichromasy
switch is set in the View menu, that a different set of colors is
selected that may be easier for some people to differentiate. If the
Use dual HP-X & HP-Y 'sets' else single samples toggle in
the Samples menu is set, it displays the mean HP-X data in the left
and HP-Y in the right for doing a side by side comparison. Popup windows
MAExplorer starts with the main pseudoarray image windows. This window
contains the pull-down menus where you may issue commands. As you
perform various operations, new windows may popup for some of these
commands. For most of these windows, you may click on the "Close"
button or click on the close window icon associated with your
operating system (generally one of the buttons at the top of the popup
window). However, some windows were designed to not close when you do
this. In particular the "State sliders" are not able to be
closed unless the associated data filtering or clustering operation is
closed. When you close the associated operation will automatically
close the state slider window.The current sample sample, HP-X, and HP-Y
In MAExplorer, a hybridized array sample is abbreviated HP. The
underlying data comparison model assumes, as a minimum, the comparison
of two different experimental conditions represented by samples HP-X
and HP-Y. A good way to think about this is that these variables are
the two axes of a scatter plot (one of the displays you may
generate). The HP-X and HP-Y may be thought of as containing data from
either single hybridized samples or containing mean data from multiple
replicate sets of sample. The HP-X and HP-Y are assigned using the
Set current HP-X and Set current HP-Y in the
Samples menu (hybridized sample is abbreviated HP in
MAExplorer. The sets are most easily changed using Choose HP-X,
HP-Y and HP-E to select the currently active samples. The
contents of the of multiple sample HP-X and HP-Y 'sets' may
alternatively be changed using the Edit HP-X & HP-Y 'sets' of
samples by source submenu, and the HP-E list of samples using the
Edit HP-E list of samples by source. Assigning single samples
to either HP-X or HP-Y may be done from the Samples menu. However, it
is easier to do it by clicking on the pseudoarray image. First click
on the magenta "[X]" or "[Y]" Current Sample box at the top of the
list of switch between HP-Y and HP-Y. Whichever is visible ([X] or
[Y]) is the one that will be the HP sample assigned. Then simply click
on the magenta "*" to the left of the sample name for the sample you
wish to assign.
Using 'sets' of HP-X and sets of HP-Y
Multiple samples may be assigned to the to the HP-X or HP-Y
sets. These are assigned using the Edit HP-X and HP-Y 'sets'
of microarrys in the Samples menu. The multiple sets are
enabled by setting the Use HP-X and HP-Y 'sets' else single
samples checkbox in the Samples menu. Then, when
statistical calculations are performed on that data, it will use the
means, std-deviations, etc. from each of these sets rather than
individual samples.The HP-E sample list for computing expression profiles
You may cluster sets of genes with similar expression profiles across
a set of hybridized samples. The set of HP samples used in doing these
profiles is specified by Edit expression profile 'list (HP-E)
in the Samples menu. The Choose HP-X, HP-Y, and HP-E
command may also be used for defining the members and order of the
samples in the HP-E 'list'. Then, gene intensity expression profiles
may be created in a popup window for hybridized samples in the HP-E
set by using the Expression profile plot commands in the Plot menu.
Several of these plots may be created on the screen at the same
time. Clicking on a vertical data line in the plot will show the name
of the HP, its intensity and coefficient of variation (CV) of the
(F1,F2) data for this gene. Note that you can order the hybridized
samples in the HP-E set by the order in which they are added.Data 'Filters' - the intersection of one or more data tests
A set of genes may be computed by taking the intersection selected
gene sets. These sets are determined by various logical, data range
and statistical tests. Genes passing each test are assigned to a
gene subset which in turn are used in the gene intersection
computation. The final gene subset is used in array, plots, and
reports, and subsequent data filtering. Changing any test parameters
causes the data filter to be re-computed.1.4 Exploratory data analysis - overview
MAExplorer may be used to perform various data explorations by looking
for patterns correlated with different sets of hybridized samples or
with expression profiles of genes. This is discussed in more detail
throughout this manual and later in Section 3 on Exploratory Data
Analysis. Detailed descriptions of all commands are given in Section 2 Menus.
1.4.1 Saving the state of a data-mining session in stand-alone mode
If you are running MAExplorer in stand-alone mode, you may save the
state of your session for later use using the "Save DB" or "SaveAs DB"
commands. Then, the checkpointed database could be accessed using the
"Open file DB command". It currently saves: the gene sets, condition
(HP) lists, current HP-X, HP-Y and HP-E lists, data Filter options and
slider value settings, display options, clustering options,
normalization options, etc. We recommend using the "SaveAs ... DB" so
you can save the state under a different name rather than overriding
the original state. This way you could backup to the original state if
you wanted to. The "SaveAs DB" and "Open file DB" commands are
described in the File menu.
1.4.2 Logging messages and command history
Often a user would like to review measurements of particular genes and
to review the list of commands they issued (also called the command
history). Various data measurements as well as many other types of
information in the three text lines in the status area of the main
window may optionally be recorded in a popup message log (Section
2.5.1) and the command history may also be reviewed in a separate
popup message log (Section
2.5.2). If you are running the stand-alone version, the logs may
be saved. Otherwise, you could cut and paste the log data into
other word processing applications.
1.5 Quick start - demonstration of MAExplorer
MAExplorer is used as a stand-alone application. You may download the stand-alone
application (see Appendix D). This download also include a demo data set
of 50 hybridized samples from the public MGAP database. In any case, you can
explicitly download the data at any time at or
Exiting MAExplorer
If you are in MAExplorer and want close the program and exit, you may
use the Quit command in the File menu or click on the
"close application" button (found in the upper right hand corners of
MAExplorer windows put there by your operating system). 1.6 Tutorials for using MAExplorer
There are a number of things you may do in this data mining facility.
We wrote two tutorials to help you understand its capabilities. We
recommend you first try the
short tutorial before attempting the advanced tutorial. The latter
demonstrates some of the more advanced capabilities.